Cycle now started: today I finally record a sudden drop of NH
4, down to 0.5 mg/l. Nitrites recorded yesterday to about 2 mg/l. Cool.
I added about 9 liters of conditioned water, since the level has decreased a lot from the beginning, so hopefully I'm back to about 150 l. Added 8.4 ml of NH
4OH, and tomorrow new measurement of all parameters.
Still awaiting the plants: the plan is to have some
Ceratophyllum demersum stems emerging from the holes in the corner stone, and cover the flat surface with Java moss. Ceratophyllum won't last long if planted in the substrate, so I'm trying something different here: the stone has lots of holes inside, so I'll have some stems go through two of them, hopefully "fixing" it without strangling the stem itself, and letting both ends go upwards. Let's see what happens (apparently both ends grow). Another option, depending on how much room will be left on the stone, is to fix (not tightly) a single stem horizontally along the stone with nylon line, since apparently it will then develop side stems which will again grow towards the surface.
Perhaps a bit more Java moss will cover some points on the "mangrove" roots. Haven't decided yet.
If this will be enough to host a bunch of Caridina Multidentata, together with the protection offered by the roots, only they can say...