Tank Eheim Vivaline 240 l, heater Hydor ETH 300, filter Eheim professionel 3 350

Plan: mangrove river estuary, SG 1.002

2 Toxotes Microlepis (Archerfish), 6 Melanotaenia Boesemani (Rainbowfish), Neritina Natalensis (Zebra Nerite), Clithon Corona

Mangrove environments around the world

Sunday 29 April 2012


The diagnosis is not confirmed yet, but the probability of it being whitespot is quite low, given the salinity of the water (it's now finally SG 1.002 @ 25 C). I have just discovered it, and tomorrow morning I'll look at it again, hopefully being able to exclude the whitespot scenario. Apparently, not much can be done against lymphocystis, apart from letting it develop, and hopefully die out, but it is a virus, and in the small confined environment of the nursery where the glassfishes are kept, it may spread... :-(

Meanwhile, I got probably the best picture of these little guys:

Saturday 21 April 2012


I never really got rid of the diatoms, and for some reason (I removed for some days the aerial vegetation cover, therefore giving more light?) they're somehow blooming again.

The other species of algae totally overcame the moss, which I removed, and are doing the same with the hornwort:

I'm adding some fertilizer, which clearly helps the plant, but the algae don't stop growing on it, and all affected needles soon rot, polluting the water.

The whole result is a quite unsightly mulm resting on the substrate, in spite of the weekly siphoning. I'm soon going to lower the water outlet from the filter from its elevated position down to the water surface level, hopefully increasing the flow and helping move the material into the filter.

One of the glassfish is gone, and the other ones do not grow by a bit. Possibly, they are smaller than before... They still eat only mosquito larvae, which attract them with their continuous movements. 

Not very happy, at the moment.

New guests

Got a couple of mangrove seeds collected in southern Brazil (Florianópolis). They are in the tank since a couple of weeks, and apparently going pretty well. Soon I'll have the problem to raise them up, following the advice of A. Calfo, in order to expose to the air the roots. I'll do it with only one of them, so I can experiment what the best practice is.

Hopefully more roots to come soon...

Sunday 1 April 2012

Mangroves around the world

A collection of pictures I took in different times and places, for those interested in these peculiar, fascinating environments:

Mangroves around the world

More (Thailand and Australia) to be added later.