Tank Eheim Vivaline 240 l, heater Hydor ETH 300, filter Eheim professionel 3 350

Plan: mangrove river estuary, SG 1.002

2 Toxotes Microlepis (Archerfish), 6 Melanotaenia Boesemani (Rainbowfish), Neritina Natalensis (Zebra Nerite), Clithon Corona

Mangrove environments around the world

Sunday 11 November 2012

Nasty archers, and sad neritinae

Well, thanks to all who've been visiting and watching, I'm glad the videos have been appreciated.

Here's another one, fresh of editing. This time it appears to be more about archers' aggressiveness than shooting ability. The reason is due to the choice of prey (crickets) and the tank setup. Crickets don't move much compared to flies, and as a result they slowly move out of their little box, when entering the tank. Therefore, the archers spend quite some time waiting below the single entry spot, and therefore they fight, with the main character clearly bullying the others. With flies it's more of a hunting experience around the tank, which avoids competition within the same spot. Also, many flies are usually available at the same time, unlike crickets, and therefore the archers spread around the tank.

I also managed to shoot some decent pics of the main male Rainbow:

What appears to have problems, instead, is the snails: after coming back from some travels, resulting in about 2-3 weeks without water changes, I saw some algae on the glass, but I assumed it was the result of the recent addition of fertilizers. Only a few days ago I realized that the snails were not eating at all, and actually they were nowhere to be seen. The only one visible one remained in the same spot, on the sand, for some three days, before I decided to check it out, and realized it was dead. I had then to physically search for the others, which were hidden in the most secluded corners of the mangrove roots, not moving. I took them all out, put them on the sand at the tank front and watched them quicly move away, and hide again. Only one spent some time on the glass, eating a bit before disappearing. What's happening? To my knowledge, no chemicals have entered the tank, except the fertilizers I've put in myself. There may be an issue with NO3 and NO2, though: the Tetra stripes say everything is fine, the liquid tests show too low values of nitrates (lower than tap water), and apparently 0.05 mg/l of NO2.